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dc.contributor.authorStella Arupasy, Akeso
dc.descriptionMagara Mugagaen_US
dc.descriptionNalela Kizitoen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study was on procurement management and service delivery in public sector institutions in Uganda, a case of Civil Aviation Authority Uganda. In spite of CAA’s commitment to adopting good procurement management principles, CAA still experiences complains relating to service delivery and no conclusive research has been carried out to ascertain the effect of procurement management on service delivery. The study sought to achieve the following objectives; to assess the effect of procurement planning, procurement solicitation, and contract administration on service delivery in public sector institution of Uganda. The study used a cross sectional study research design. Out of 66 selected respondents, 57 employees at CAA participated in the study. The study used both qualitative and quantitative techniques to collect and analyze data. The study findings revealed that procurement planning has a strong positive significant effect on service delivery (Beta= .312, Sig. < .001). The study further revealed that solicitation has a moderate positive significant effect on service delivery (Beta= .288, Sig. < .004). In addition, contract administration has a strong positive significant effect on service delivery (Beta= .554, Sig. < .000). It was concluded that beginning the procurement process with planning and full commitment of top management to the procurement planning process in the CAA is vital for improved service delivery. Carrying out due diligence before contract is awarded, adhering to time limits/deadlines for tender and awarding contracts to the best evaluated bidder leads to improved service delivery. It was further concluded that tracking all key aspects of the procurement process and conducting supplier appraisals facilitate improved service delivery at CAA. The study recommends thorough needs assessment by the respective departments/unit managers for the required goods and services. The study recommends that CAA should strictly adhere to the timelines and deadlines for each activity during the procurement process. The study further recommends that CAA should pay supplier/contractors within the agreed time.en_US
dc.publisherUganda Martyrs Universityen_US
dc.subjectProcurement managementen_US
dc.subjectService deliveryen_US
dc.subjectPublic sector institutionsen_US
dc.subjectCivil Aviation Authority Ugandaen_US
dc.titleProcurement management and service delivery in public sector institutions in Uganda; case study: Civil Aviation Authority Ugandaen_US

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