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dc.contributor.authorNampagi, Derrick
dc.descriptionNakitende Marieen_US
dc.descriptionNakitende Marieen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between customer satisfaction and performance at Pearl Restaurant in Kampala. The research was based on three objectives that is to say, to find out the strategies used by Pearl Restaurant in attracting customers, to explore the effects of customer satisfaction on profitability of Pearl Restaurant in Kampala and to find out the services that are provided by Pearl Restaurant to customers in Kampala. The researcher used a case study research designs. For this report data was collected through the use of interviews from some respondents. Therefore, few respondents that’s to say ten have been taken as a sample and were selected randomly. Findings of the study revealed that customer satisfaction has done a great deal on the performance of Pearl Restaurant in terms of profits thus increase on customer retention at the restaurant. However, the study found out that there is not only customer satisfaction but also other factors have also led to a better performance of the restaurant in terms of profits Finally the study recommended that it is seen feasible and of paramount benefit to put in place well streamlined customer guides to the entire restaurant, creativity and also employee motivation such that the employees can be able to treat the customers well in order to be satisfied.en_US
dc.publisherUganda Martyrs Universityen_US
dc.titleThe relationship between customer satisfaction and performance at Pearl Restaurant located at emerald hotel in Kampalaen_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US

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