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dc.contributor.authorAyang Lado Lokor, Sarah John
dc.descriptionMoses Kibraien_US
dc.description.abstractThis thesis entitled “Marketing strategies and sales performance of selected supermarkets in Kampala district” is presented as a result of a research that was carried out at Uchumi Garden City, Nakumatt Oasis mall and Mega Standard supermarkets in Kampala district. The study was based on three specific objectives, i.e.; to examine the relationship between advertising and the sales performance; to establish the relationship between pricing strategy and the sales performance; and to determine the effect of promotion on the sales performance of the selected supermarkets in Kampala. The study took the form of multiple case study design and qualitative designs, with a study population constituted of marketing and sales departments’ personnel and other staff. A study sample of 50 respondents was chosen, using simple random sampling method. Interviews were used in collecting both primary and secondary data. The collected data was analyzed using qualitative methods. The study found out that the supermarkets engage in persuasive advertising on Radio and Television adverts, and newspaper adverts; that the supermarkets do not offer after-sale services; and that they respond to their customers adequately and promptly. Findings also show a significant relationship between pricing strategy and sales performance. The study findings also show that pricing strategies are the biggest determinant of sales, and that promotional campaigns have a significant effect on sales performance. The researcher drew a conclusion that there are various marketing strategies employed by the three supermarkets to market their products; that there is a significant relationship between advertising, and pricing strategies and the sales performance; and that promotions are an important aspect that has a significant effect on sales performance. The researcher recommended that supermarkets should devise means of reaching out to the population in the city outskirts; that the supermarkets should put emphasis on more appealing methods like special pricing and the buy-one-get-one-free, which were seen to have delivered the best results; and also that they should devise new ways of reaching out to the customers such as printing free pullouts and fliers to be distributed in different areas, using public address systems to traverse the different areas with promotional messages among others.en_US
dc.publisherUganda Martyrs Universityen_US
dc.subjectMarketing strategiesen_US
dc.subjectSales performanceen_US
dc.titleMarketing strategies and sales performance of selected supermarkets in Kampala Districten_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US

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