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dc.contributor.authorBaluka, Catherine
dc.descriptionFr. Edward Anselm Ssemwogerereen_US
dc.description.abstractThe success or failure of any organization depends on the quality of its employees, for they are the blood stream of every organization and the active role they play towards the organization’s success cannot be underestimated. As a result, equipping these employees through effective training and development becomes significant so as to maximize their potential during job performance; it also positions them to take on challenges of today’s ever changing and competitive business environment . This study sought to examine the effect of training and development on employee performance, with World Vision Buikwe/Mukono branch as the case study. In order to understand the aim of the study, three objectives were developed and these focused on; evaluating the effectiveness of training and development programs on employee performance; examining how on- the- job training methods enhance employee performance; and finally establishing the relation ship between training and development function and employee performance. The study followed a case study research design of data collection, using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study population was 55 out of which a sample of 48 respondents were randomly and purposively selected where self administered questionnaires and interview guides were used to collect data. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS software package and Ms. Excel. Findings revealed that training programs are effective in the organisation as they bound employees with a positive attitudinal reaction, enhances behavioral modeling, mentors career prospects, paces employees to global standards, and also helps in setting job settings enlightened to performance matters. Findings also revealed that on job training methods are effective to performance of employees via motivation, provision of room for active participation, opportunity to practice, collective decision making and feedback management. Further findings revealed that the organisation reviews training and development procedures depending on environmental changes, both short term and long term training programs are conducted and employees’ performance is the major intent in all training operations. A strong and positive relationship was revealed between training and development and employee performance with a value of r =0 .833, ( p 0.01) that meant that improved training and development in organisation is very effective and influential on employees’ level of performance. Findings were inline with the arguments of Thompson (2002), as he contends that an organization institutes training and development programs that focus on effort and skills, development of employees, encourage cooperation and collaboration, innovation and synergy in teams of employees, and then the whole organization will function and influence high levels of performance. However , different recommendations were developed to provide a platform for employee performance and organisation boost such as maximizing supervision, review over employee rewarding schemes and others as presented in the study.en_US
dc.publisherUganda Martyrs Universityen_US
dc.subjectStaff trainingen_US
dc.subjectEmployee performanceen_US
dc.titleThe effect of staff training and development on employee performanceen_US
dc.title.alternativeCase study: World Vision, Mukono/Buikwe Branchen_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US

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