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dc.contributor.authorAcio Okor, Filly
dc.descriptionMubiru Aloysiusen_US
dc.description.abstractThis research was carried out to investigate the impact of training on employee performance, a case study of Community Managed Watershed Development Organisation (COMWO), and how management could change the mindset of its employees and realise that training does not mean luxuries only, but also learning, performing and hard work. Thus, the objectives of the study were: to determine the types of training in COMWO; to determine the relationship between training and performance; to determine the impact of training; and to determine the challenges affecting training in COMWO. However, apart from training, there were those intervening variables that the researcher saw to affect employee performance, and these are: pay benefits; education level; employee tribal composition; and employee age levels. All these thus make up the conceptual framework. The research was also based on the goal setting theory, and the researcher went to find out if the training conducted in COMWO emphasises mainly performance orientation or learning orientation. This study was to collect both qualitative and quantitative data through the use of primary sources (questionnaires) and secondary sources like textbooks, internet and journals. In addition to those, a sample of 50 respondents was selected, but only 43 were able to bring back filled in questionnaires. The respondents comprised male and female, and employees and farmers alike. The findings of the study show that training impacts performance positively, and it is because of this that COMWO performs better than other organisations in the region. However, because COMWO does not so much motivate its workers, it should endeavour to do so because employees do not perform only on the basis of training, but because of encouragement tooen_US
dc.publisherUganda Martyrs Universityen_US
dc.subjectEmployee performanceen_US
dc.titleThe impact of training on employee performance.en_US
dc.title.alternativeA case study of Community Managed Watershed Development Organistaion (COMWO)en_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US

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