Master of Science in Development Economics (Dissertations)
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Household socio-economic factors and female participation in agriculture in Uganda
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-09-01)The study used the UDHS 2011 dataset to investigate the socio-economic factors affecting female labour participation in Agriculture in Uganda. The analysis was done at three levels; univariate, bivariate, and multivariate. ... -
The determinants of fish exports in Uganda (1997-2012)
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2013-10-01)This study was sought to examine the determinants of fish exports in Uganda by utilizing the time series data collected for a period of 1997-2012 in which formal fish exports of Uganda showed a considerably stable ... -
The impact of aid on Universal Primary Education enrolment in northern Uganda: Case study Pader district- Lapono and Atanga Sub counties
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2010-10-01)The study sought to examine the impact of aid to basic education on Universal Primary School enrolment in Northern Uganda between 1997 and 2008, using Pader District as a case study. In so doing, trends in aid to basic ... -
Factors leading to reduced female student enrolment in tertiary institutions in Uganda: A case of selected institutions in Kampala District
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-08-01)The focus of this study was on the factors leading to reduced female student enrollment in selected tertiary institutions. The main objectives of this study were threefold: the effect of school environment factors on ... -
Determinants of absenteeism among ordinary level secondary school students in Uganda
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-10)The study assessed the factors that explain absenteeism among Ordinary Level Secondary school students in Uganda using Wakiso district as a case study. The motivation to carry out this research was as a result of ... -
Determinants of smallholder farmers' adaptation to climate change in Uganda
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-09-01)This study examined determinants of smallholder farmers’ adaptation to climate change in Uganda, Specifically to determine social capital, human capital, and physical capital and market capital factors that affect adaptation ...