An assessment of the rights to protection of orphans and vulnerable children in refugee settlement: Case study of Nakivale refugee settlement- Isingiro districto
The study assessed the rights to protection of OVC in Nakivale Refugee settlement. The
objectives of the study were; to assess rights to protection, examine use of rights based approach
and assess ways in which protection agencies enhance rights of OVC rights. Data was collected
from 56 respondents including staff from protection and implementing agencies, OVC and foster
families from Congolese and Rwandese villages, teachers, health workers and UNHCR. The
respondents were purposely selected and the interviews were used as the main research tool and
Focus Group Discussions. The study findings were analysed manually by grouping the data into
themes. The study findings pointed out that; rights to protection of OVC in refugee settings
influence their wellbeing. When the protection agencies provide appropriate education, health,
food, shelter, psychosocial services, security and safety, prevents violence, exploitation and
abuse of children, extend legal services, offer access to justice and provide durable solutions in
the best interests of the child, it significantly influences the wellbeing of OVC. Rights protection
for refugee OVC likely to be effective if the basic needs are satisfied, the OVC participate in
affairs affecting them and the effectiveness of OVC rights can be realized if the hosting
government and the mandated UN agency ensure that all the basic rights are enshrined in the
protection measures employed in refugee settlement. The researcher recommended that UNHCR
should recruit more teachers in the primaries so as to reduce teacher pupil ratios to manageable
number if children are to acquire quality education, introduce fertilisers in the seed programme,
encourage family planning and agro-forestry. The school clubs should be strengthened,
encourage competitions among groups of children, introduce school feeding programmes, more
sustainable income generating and improve frequency of legal services.