School of Arts and Social Sciences
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Challenges faced by children delinquents in accessing justice in Uganda; case study: Naguru Remand Home
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2015-10-01)The study was conducted to examine the challenges of children delinquents in accessing justice in Naguru Remand Home which is based in Kampala. It specifically sought to examine the nature of crimes/offences committed ... -
The effectiveness of Kampiringisa National Rehabilitation Centre for children (KNRCC) in promoting, protecting, and fulfilling the rights of juvenile delinquents in Uganda
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2015-07-01)Juvenile delinquency has been a major threat to most communities and families across the globe. It has led to the establishment of juvenile detention facilities as one of the control measures where juveniles who have ... -
Youth participation in local governance; extent, challenges and strategies for effective engagement in Kampala district; case study: Central and Kawempe divisions
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2015-08-01)Promotion of youth participation in development is a key policy, legal, and institutional objective. Participation in development does not only ensure that stakeholders drive the development agenda but also enhances ... -
Gender-based violence and the rights of women; case study: Katakwi Sub-county, Katakwi district
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2021-03-01)This study concentrated on examining the effects of gender-based violence on the rights of women and girls in Katakwi sub-county, Katakwi district. The study has three specific objectives which were used as the study ... -
Contribution of the three durable solutions to the refugee influx into Uganda:
(Uganda martyrs University, 2018-02)Background: The size of refugee flows in recent years has generated urgent global concern. By the year 2015, as of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimation, there were approximately 16 million ... -
The capacity and effectiveness of private security organizations in providing security in Uganda:
(Uganda martyrs University, 2018-04)The study aimed at assessing the effectiveness of two private security organisations providing security in Uganda, from the time they were started, guided by the three objectives of tracing the history and records of ... -
Assessing the effectiveness of inspectorate of government oversight role in enhancing local government service delivery: A case study of Arua municipality
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2018-02-01)This study investigated the effectiveness of Inspectorate of Government’s oversight role in enhancing local government service delivery: a case study of Arua Municipality. The study was premised on the following research ... -
Analyzing the impact of trade finance on export trade. A case of the floriculture sector in Uganda
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-10-01)The study analyzed the impact of trade finance and export trade in Uganda’s floricultural sector. Four objectives guided the study: to determine the relationship between pre-shipment finance and floriculture export ... -
Evaluation of the contribution of UNDP in achieving the second-millennium development goal of Universal Primary Education in Ruhiira Millennium Village, Isingiro District
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2017-02-01)The study was about “Evaluation of the contribution of UNDP in Achieving the Second Millennium Development Goal of Universal Primary Education in Ruhiira Millennium Village, Isingiro District”. The research had three ... -
The influence of the new practices of bride price on the marriage institution among the Acoli people in Aswa county, Gulu district
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-10)The institution of bride price has been changing over time depending on changes in society. Economic conditions, societal structures, institutions, and family characteristics have brought about these new patterns. ... -
Communal conflicts and peaceful extra judicial settlements among refugees. Case study: of refugees in Nakivale refugee settlement, Isingiro district
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-10-01)This study aimed at studying Communal conflicts and peaceful extra judicial settlements among refugees using a case study of Nakivale Refugee Settlement, Isingiro District. A descriptive research method called a case ... -
Decentralization and education service delivery in government aided primary schools in Mbale district: A case study: Nyondo sub-county
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2017-06-01)education service delivery in Government Aided Primary Schools using Nyondo Sub-county as a case study. The focus of the study was that in-spite of massive resources allocated to the education sector, output indicators ... -
The role of management in improving water and sanitation services in Mpigi District
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-10)The study was aimed at assessing the Role of Management in improving the water and Sanitation Services in Mpigi district. The study objectives were; to establish the role of management in improving water and sanitation ... -
Effect of UPE policy implementation and home environments on children’s enjoyment of their right to elementary education in Mawokota county, Mpigi district
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2017-02-01)The purpose of the study was to investigate the level of children’s enjoyment of their right to elementary education and how this level was affected by the UPE policy implementation and home environments in Mawokota ... -
An assessment of the effects of child marriage on girl child education in Soroti District
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2017-12)This study set out to assess the effects of child marriage on girl child. Its specific objectives were to establish the factors influencing child marriage among school going girls; to determine the effect of child ... -
The contribution of girl child education towards poverty reduction in Gweri Sub county
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2014-07-01)This dissertation presents the assessment of the contribution of girl child education towards poverty reduction in Gweri Sub county in Soroti district. To meet the purpose, the study objectives were; to examine whether ... -
Social integration of refugees into the host communities research presentation: case study Congolese refugees in Katwe, Kampala, Makindye division
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2018-11)The growing burden of the refugee question facing Uganda is enormous; Uganda today has a refugee population of over 1.4 million refugees making Uganda the number one refugee hosting country in Africa and second in the ... -
Women empowerment and its contribution to promoting antenatal service delivery in Gulu district : case study Laroo Sub County
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-10)For a genuine and sustainable development to occur, equality is paramount. It gives people equal opportunities to develop one’s self through the access to resources. The study was about assessing the contribution of ... -
Factors hindering women in small restaurants from improving their welfare: case study Kisenyi, Kampala District
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-10-01)This conceptual study specifically aims at reviewing the factors hindering women in small restaurants from improving their welfare. It demonstrates the conceptual frame work independent and dependent findings of small ... -
Assessing the effects of employee motivation on organizational performance: case study Birunga dairy Industries-Kisoro
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-10)The majority of Organization are competing to survive in this volatile and fierce Market environment. Motivation and performance of the employees are essential tools for the success of any organization in the long ...