Browsing Faculty of Agriculture by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 41
An assessment of wetland ecosystem degradation in Bussi Island Wakiso district
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2015-08)The study assessed wetland ecosystem degradation in Bussi Island Wakiso district. Specifically the study assessed people’s knowledge of wetland ecosystem conservation in Bussi islands and investigated people’s beliefs ... -
Livelihood strategies and the Conservation of shea butter tree
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-07)This study sought to examine the influence of livelihood strategies towards the conservation of Shea butter tree in Lira Palwo, Agago District. The influence of the changes in livelihood strategies seemed to have a big ... -
Assessing perceptions associated with agrochemical use on food production among smallholder farmers in Kiboga District :
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-08)The study was conducted to examine the perceptions associated with use of agrochemicals on food production in Kibiga Sub-County. The study was guided by the following objectives: to determine the farmers’ knowledge, ... -
Socio-economic factors affecting women’s involvement in coffee production in Kirumba Sub-county, Rakai district, Uganda
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-08-01)The study examined the social economic factors affecting women involvement in coffee production in Kirumba Sub-county Rakai District. Data was collected using structured questionnaire, focus group discussion, documentary ... -
Factors that affect rice production in agro ecological ecosystems in Uganda
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-09-01)The research study examines factors that affect rice production in 3 Agro-ecological Ecosystems in Uganda and determinants of its yield, based on data obtained from a field survey; with research design survey method, through ... -
Efficacy of neem tree extract on white cabbage aphid, brevicoryne brassicae control
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-09-01)A field study was carried out to investigate the efficacy of Neem tree extracts (root, bark and leaves) to control aphids in cabbage under smallholder farming systems. The objectives were to identify the effective dose of ... -
Impact of soil conservation measures on soil organic carbon stocks in the South Western Highlands
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-10)Land degradation caused by erosion is one of the greatest environmental threats that hamper agricultural production in the south western highlands of Uganda, the causes include: over cultivation, overgrazing, slash and ... -
Towards optimizing coffee-banana Agro-forestry cropping systems for management of biotic stresses in the mid-eastern coffee growing region of Uganda.
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-10)This study aimed at (i) assessing farmers’ knowledge and their coping mechanisms in managing the biotic constraints, (ii) identifying the biotic constraints within coffee-banana agro-forestry systems in the Mid-eastern ... -
Managing agronomic constraints to enhance performance of coffee and bananas in coffee-banana agro-forestry systems
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2016-10-01)Coffee and bananas are major cash and food crops respectively for many smallholder farmers in Uganda. These two crops can be grown as a sole crop although there is a tendency to intercrop the two. Production of both crops ... -
Assessing the effect of Bambara nuts production on food security in Buikwe district
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2017-02)The general objective of the study was to examine the effect of Bambara nuts production on food security in Buikwe district using a case study of Nyenga Sub County. The study was guided by the following specific ... -
Staff capacity and data quality in Vi Agroforestry
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2017-08-01)This study was conducted amongst the Vi Agroforestry partners. It is entitled “Staff capacity and data quality” the study was guide by three major objectives that is: To assess how capacity of staff in designing data ... -
The role of performance agreements in improving teacher effectiveness in public primary schools in Amuru district
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2017-11)The purpose of this study was to establish the role of performance agreements in improving teacher effectiveness in public primary schools in Amuru District. Specifically, the study aimed at: examining performance agreement ... -
Assessing the effect of data utilization on organizational decision making in Lubaga hospital
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2018-02)Comprehensive and reliable information is the foundation of decision making across all health system building blocks and is essential for health system policy development and implementation, governance and regulation, ... -
Effect of climate-smart technologies on smallholder farmers’ resilience to climate change
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2018-02)The study examined the Effect of Climate Smart Technologies on Small Holder Farmers’ Resilience to Climate Change in Nakaseke District in Uganda. A descriptive cross sectional survey design was adopted where both ... -
Field abundance of serangium parcesetosum (col., coccinellidae): a predator of cassava whitefly (hom, aleyrodidae) in two cassava growing agro-ecological zones of Uganda
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2018-07)The whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, is a major pest of cassava in Africa where it causes direct feeding damage on the leaves and indirectly through sooty mould production. This pest is also a vector of cassava mosaic ... -
Characterization of the poultry production system among the smallholder farmers in Pader district
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2018-07)The study set to characterize the poultry production system among smallholder farmers in Pader with focus on the management practices employed by farmers, social economic contributions enjoyed, major challenges faced and ... -
Impact of primary teachers’ incentive pay on girls’ educational performance
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2018-08)The major objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of primary school teachers’ incentive pay program on girls’ educational performance. By paying incentives to teachers IMPACT, a European Union founded program ... -
Determination of insecticidal and seed protective properties of pawpaw extracts against bean weevils (acanthoscelides obtectus) in storage
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2018-09)The study was an experiment carried out at the Nutrition and Bio-analytical laboratory at NaCRRI, Uganda from November 2016 to October 2017. The aim of the study was to investigate the efficacy of pawpaw leaf powder ... -
Adoption of climate smart technologies by selected smallholder farmers of kigorobya and buseruka sub counties in Hoima district
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2018-09)The study sought to investigate the adoption of climate smart technologies among selected smallholder farmers in Buseruka and Kigorobya sub-counties in Hoima district. The study had three objectives; evaluating the impacts ... -
The impact of Information Communication Technology (ICT) on health workforce performance in Uganda : a case of the Integrated Human Resource Information System (HRIS) for absenteeism tracking in Amolatar District
(Uganda Martyrs University, 2018-09-01)The overall objective of this study was to establish the effectiveness of using HRIS to optimize performance, quality and impact of the health workforce using a case study of absenteeism tracking in Amolatar district of ...