Communal conflicts and peaceful extra judicial settlements among refugees. Case study: of refugees in Nakivale refugee settlement, Isingiro district
This study aimed at studying Communal conflicts and peaceful extra
judicial settlements among refugees using a case study of Nakivale
Refugee Settlement, Isingiro District. A descriptive research
method called a case study research design was used for this
The study had a sample size of 50 respondents and these included
Refugee NGO workers, Refugee community representatives and members
of the general refugee community among others. The respondents
were given different sets of questionnaires and interview guide
questions. The two sets of questionnaires and interview guide
questions administered to the refugee respondents and the
officials were then used to collect raw data that has formed the
basis of this research report. A slightly mixed data collection
methodology that included a limited aspect of qualitative research
were used, in that; some in-depth interviews were conducted with
the refugee NGO workers as well as the refugees, ostensibly used
to corroborate information got from the questionnaires.
Documentary sources of data were also very crucial in
corroborating in information from both the in-depth interviews as
well as the questionnaires. The study is divided into chapters,
with chapter four; presenting findings and analyses and chapter
five; drawing conclusions and recommendation.
In the first objective, the study concluded that electoral
conflicts, structural, interest and interest conflicts were some
of the forms of communal conflicts among others. In the second
objective of the study, it was concluded that the common factors
for the rise in communal conflicts among refugees living in
refugee settlements in Uganda were among others; weak law and
order, economic crisis, disputes over land, population explosion
and ethnicity. In the third objective, It was concluded that;
mediation, reconciliation, adoption of use of arbitration method
and rehabilitation among others were the most important ways
through which non legal settlements can be used in the study area.
It was recommended that; all concerned parties must ensure the
availability of the necessary finance to design a national extra
judicial settlements policy and implement it and encourage all
communal conflict-affected communities to engage in reconciliation