Communal conflict and food security in Abim sub count: a case study of Abim sub county
The study looked at communal conflict and food security in
Abim Sub County, Abim District. The study mainly used a case
study research design to fully exploit why and how small arms
possessed hinder food production, availability and
accessibility and to report findings from first hand
experiences and through conversations, qualitative study
approach was used. The study therefore fully explored the
reasons for small arms possession that hinder physical food
availability, how small arms possessed has hindered food
availability and how cattle raiding/ rustling has hindered food
accessibility in Abim Sub County. The research findings
therefore showed that a number of reasons stood out that made
the possession of arms inevitable and among which included
need to acquire more wealth, the struggle for the scarce
resources, pride associated with the possession of arms, need
to raid among others. The second objective of the research
study showed that the possession of small arms has made the
perpetrators to rape, steal and raid the oxen used for
ploughing and others showing how all these has affected food
production, availability and accessibility hence food
insecurity. It has therefore been concluded that communal
conflict is real and the reasons presented by the finding and
the others pointed by other authors stand out as fuel in
accelerating communal conflict and therefore negatively
impacting on food security hence a number of recommendations
suggested by the researcher have to be put in place so as to
food security and peace which has for long been un answered
put right for the peoples’ good