The effect of promotional approaches on the performance of telecommunication companies:
The study investigated the effect of promotion approaches in the performance of
telecommunication companies The specific objectives of the study were; To assess the role of
personal selling in the performance of TCC, To examine the relationship between sales
promotion and the performance of TCC; To evaluate the effect of public relations in the
performance of TCC and To assess the role of advertising in the performance of TCC. The study
adopted the case study design with quantitative and qualitative research techniques. A total
sample size of 55 respondents from UTL was used. Self-administered questionnaires and face to
face interviews were used to collect data. Data was coded and later processed and analyzed and
presented using frequencies, percentages means and standard deviation. From the study it was
revealed thatpersonal selling had built profitable customer relationships. It was also observed
that personal selling influenced buying of the product, it was a source of new product and idea
generation, conveyed more information and the customers became more aware about the
available product.
Additionally sales promotion promoted the products and services of the company, encouraged
action and built the identity of the products, spoke out the current needs of consumers to receive
more value from products and also promoted organization effectiveness through increased in
profitability, It was further testified that advertising created awareness of the product and
services and direct relationship between producers and customers, it persuaded clients to buying
more products due to the adverts they saw, it provided more information about the product,
created satisfaction of the perceived quality and enabled the clients to know more about the
organisation. Finally, it was recommended that marketing managers of Uganda telecom should
strategically select the best and affordable promotional tools that will not increase on the
company cost leading to unexpected expenses and that the board of the organisation should fully
invest in advertising, sales promotion, public relation and personal selling as they increase on the
turnover of the company