Management practices and employee performance in the public service: a case of Isingiro district local government.
This study set out to establish the effect of Management Practices on Employee Performance
of the Uganda Public Servants, a case of Isingiro District Local Government.
The study was guided by objectives: Examine the effect of Planning on Employee
Performance, Establish the effect of Monitoring on Employee Performance and evaluate the
effect of Rewards and Recognition on Employee Performance. It had Management Practices
as Independent Variable with Dimensions; Planning, Monitoring, Rewards and Recognition
of Performance and Employee Performance as Dependent Variable with dimensions; Target
achievement, Efficiency and effectiveness and Cost minimization
The study adopted Locke’s Goal Setting Theory as the lead theory, with Vroom’s Expectancy
Theory and Perceived Organizational Support Theory
The Research adopted the Stratified and Purposive random sampling techniques, as well as
data collection methods which included questionnaires, interviews to gather data from 123
out of 131 respondents. A response rate of 94% was realised. Data was analysed using SPSS
Version 21. Correlation and regression analyses were conducted to obtain answers in relation
to the main research objectives. There was very high positive significant relationship
between monitoring and employee performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.781**,
significant at 0.01 level of a two tailed test with 123 number of items. A high positive
significant relationship between planning and employee performance with a correlation
coefficient of 0.703**, significant at 0.01 level of a two tailed test with 123 number of items
and a moderate significant relationship between rewards and recognition and employee
performance with a correlation coefficient of 0.560**, significant at 0.01 level of a two tailed
test with 123 number of items. This implied that Employee Performance is best achieved
through Monitoring.
The researcher recommended that management should make good use of the employee
development plans to identify training and development needs for employees to remain
focused. Meetings should be held regularly and tailored towards obtaining feedback and
appraisal results should be discussed, strategies drawn in order to improve performance on
employee performance. A policy reform on rewards and sanctions need to be implemented
and enforced so as to improve on service delivery in the Public Service.