Impact of organization culture on competitive strategies in organizations
The purpose of the study was to establish the Effect of organization culture on competitive
strategy in Peacock Paints Limited .The objective s of the study were: to examine the
effect of team work on competitive strategy of Peacock Paint Limited; to examine the
between innovation and competitive strategy of Peacock paints Limited ;to examine the
relationship between hierarchy and competitive strategy of Peacock Paints Limited; To
examine the relationship between competing on competitive strategy of Peacock Paints
The study was a case study where quantitative data was gathered in order to establish the
relationship between the variables under study, which had a sample size of 52 through 3 did
not return the questionnaires and I picked data from 49 from whom a stratified method of
sampling was used to minimize bias.. Data was collected from employees of the following
department marketing ,accounting ,production procurement , human resource ,and other
department . Self-administered questionnaires were the main instrument of the study and data
was analysed using frequencies, percentages, regression model and SPSS 16.0 was used to
establish the relationship between organization culture and competitive strategy
The results indicate that peacock paints limited used team work, hierarchy, innovation and
competing culture to achieve its competitive strategy which constitute: product
differentiation, segmentation of the market and cost leadership.
In addition there existed a relationship between team work and competitive strategy with a
correlation figure of 0. 002 and it has a positive relationship, hierarchy relationship with
competitive strategy had a value of 0.630 which is insignificant though positive, innovation
and competitive strategy had a correlation value of 0.064 which is insignificant though it was
a positive correlation and competing which had a significant relationship of 0.027 . Which all
implies that organization culture has a relationship with competitive strategy?
The study concluded that team work, competing ,innovation and hierarchy have an influence
on the competitive strategy of a firm thought all have positive correlation team work and
competing have the significant relationship with competitive strategy
Organisations should make sure they promote culture and make sure they create a culture that
will lead them to achieving their long term goals like team work and competing have a
strong significance on the strategy while innovation and hierarchy should be given much
emphasis because culture with a variety of attributes strengthens the advantage an
organisation have