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dc.contributor.authorMbaine, Ester
dc.descriptionFr. Edward Anselm Ssemwogerereen_US
dc.description.abstractThe research was conducted at BRAC micro finance in Nansana Town Council, Wakiso district. The major objective of the study was to find out the role played by BRAC micro finance towards the growth of small scale businesses, with four specific objectives namely to find out the micro finance services offered by BRAC micro finance, rate of growth, effect of the services and challenges faced by the small scale enterprises. The Micro finance services was independent variable was measured by micro credit loans, Business development services whereas the growth of small scale enterprises was a dependent variable was measured by sales turn over, creation of employment opportunities as well as profitability of the business. Extraneous variable. These are variables that businesses have no control over them. Those include; Government policy, advancement in technology, education levels. The research design was a case study employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The study had a total population of 112 with a sample size 1 06 respondents, staff official and the clients of BRAC micro finance. Data was collected by using questionnaires and interviews methods, further more data were presented and analyses through the use of excel computer programme for quantitative data. Qualitative data were analyzed in a narrative form by categorization method. The study findings revealed that the micro finance services have played a significant role in the growth of small-scale businesses in Nansana as established by the positive relationship between the micro finance services offered and the growth rate of the small businesses such as whole sale and retail shops, photo processing, hardware, tailoring, restaurants. The study revealed that BRAC micro finance services offered have contributed much towards the growth of small scale businesses in Nansana.The study revealed some challenges in the service delivery such as insufficient loans characterized with shorter repayment period, high interest rate, high transport costs and politics complicated lending process, terms and conditions, inadequate knowledge, clients default. The study, however, recommends the following ; In regard to the study findings of research objective one: There is need to improve and ensure effective delivery of the various micro-finance services provided by micro-finance institutions services: BRAC micro finance also need to diversify and make it accessible to the business community of Nansana Town Council-Wakiso District. Reflecting on study results of objective two: Small enterprises experienced high growth rate as opposed to medium enterprises within an area, therefore there is need to promote balanced growth for both small and medium enterprises, enhancing quality services to the business community with medium enterprises. It was concluded by the study micro finance services are critical factor to the growth of small scale businesses and they have appositive effect on them. So they should be encouraged and established particularly in many rural areas with low or less access to financial institutions like banksen_US
dc.publisherUganda Martyrs Universityen_US
dc.subjectMicro financeen_US
dc.titleThe role of micro finance services towards the growth of small businessesen_US
dc.title.alternativeCase study: Clients of BRAC in Nansana Town Council, Wakiso Districten_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US

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