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dc.contributor.authorAlinda, Deus
dc.descriptionMoses Kibraien_US
dc.descriptionMoses Kibraien_US
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT The study seeked to establish whether development fund programmes contribute to poverty alleviation among poor people living in rural areas. A case study research design was used to undertake the study by the help of both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. A sample of 80 respondents were drown from a study population of 164 people which was a half of the entire population (328) directly benefiting from these programme .The data about development funds programmes and poverty was collected and analyzed using the statistical package for social Scientists (SPSS) to generate tables for which analysis and discussion were made. The findings revealed that development fund loans which fall under fininancial support under the scheme contribute much in poverty alleviation among poor households in rural areas with majority of the beneficiaries being women as compared to men. However, it was also found out that short term projects especially the provision of quality improved seeds varieties such as bananas, maize, cassava among others, quality breads of animals such as pigs, goats, cattle also have some significant role they have played towards poverty alleviation among poor household in rural areas. These programmes have increased peoples savings which influence investment and poverty reduction. It was recommended that since development fund programmes are the best tools for household’s poverty alleviation especially in rural areas, government should fund them the more to increase their efficiency and effectiveness to reduce poverty among poor rural household in the country. More over, SACCOS should also revise some of their loan terms that are truly unfriendly to their clients and training of the members and regular financial advice will help the loan borrowers put the loans into profitable ventures that can help them earn profits and in the end increase on their disposable incomes and repay back the loans with out difficulties among other recommendationsen_US
dc.publisherUganda Martyrs Universityen_US
dc.subjectPoverty Eleviationen_US
dc.titleDevelopment fund programmes and poverty alleviation among the poor rural households in Uganda: (the case of Kyenzige Sub-county Kibaale District)en_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US

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