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dc.contributor.authorSenyondo, Joseph
dc.descriptionHanghujja Sarahen_US
dc.description.abstractMost of the changes and events in the business environment were predictable and to a large degree certain. However, technology innovation, long-term public policy shifts and deregulation are destabilizing the business landscape and reshaping the world in which we live. In particular, the Internet as a communication and transaction infrastructure has led (and will lead) to turbulence and uncertainty in the business and consumer markets. Microfinance institutions (MFIs) are institutions that provide financial services to poor and low-income households (and their microenterprises), allowing them to better manage their risks, achieve consistent consumption patterns, and develop an economic base. Decades of experience have demonstrated that the poor are not only creative with micro-loans, but willing to repay as well. Many microfinance institutions treat IS as an add-on and consider it as something the systems administrator should deal with (A seminar Report, April 26-27, Nairobi, Kenya, 2003). Therefore, it is from this background that the researcher has decided to study the contribution of information system on the development of micro fiancé institutions in Uganda. The study will be guided by the following objectives; to examine the nature of information systems used on the development of Pride micro finance in Wakiso district; to find out the benefits of information systems on the development of Pride micro finance in Wakiso district and; to find out the difficulties faced when adopting the Information systems on the development of Pride micro finance in Wakiso district. Therefore, this dissertation gives a general overview on the contribution of Information systems on the development of MFIs.en_US
dc.publisherUganda Martyrs Universityen_US
dc.subjectInformation systemsen_US
dc.titleThe contribution of information systems on the development of micro finance institutions in Uganda:en_US
dc.title.alternativea case study of pride micro finance in Wakiso districten_US
dc.typeResearch Reporten_US

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