The effect of inventory management on performance of manufacturing firms; Case study: Crown Beverages Limited
This study considered inventory management as the independent variable and organizational
performance as the dependent variable. The specific objectives of the study were; To identify
inventory management systems used at Crown Beverages Ltd. Company Uganda, To examine
the effect of inventory planning on performance of Crown Beverages Ltd. Company Uganda, To
determine the effect of inventory management systems on performance of Crown Beverages Ltd.
Company Uganda and To examine the effect of inventory turnover on performance of Crown
Beverages Ltd. Company Uganda
The study used a case study research design with quantitative and qualitative research techniques
using a total sample size of 70 respondents. Data was collected using self-administered
questionnaires and face to face interviews.
It was observed that the Crown Beverages Limited uses vendor managed inventory, Fixed Order
Quantity, Limited uses Just in Time, ABC method and Fixed Period Ordering as inventory
management systems in order to minimize losses and maximize profits. It was also exposed that
inventory planning has encouraged optimal quantity and timing of inventory, it has created
forecasts to determine how much inventory should be on hand to meet consumer demand and it
has also been used to generate higher profits and manage cash flow. From the study it was also
discovered inventory management systems have increased on the efficiency, productivity,
manage inventory levels and they have made everything from inputting information to taking
inventory. It was also observed that inventory turnover has enabled the company to effectively
measure the number of times inventory sold or used in a time period such as a year and it has
brought decreased operating expenses, and increased asset turnover.
Finally, it is recommended that The Management of Crown Beverages Limited-Pepsi should
appoint a team of qualified employees to conduct inventory management. This will help the
organization to avoid inefficiencies, damages and issues of overstocking. Inventory management
should also be given priority as it is influential in relation to performance of the company. This
means that policies and procedures should be set which are supposed to be followed by the
company employees.