The effect of cash management on financial performance in financial institutions:
This study assessed the effect of cash management on financial performance in financial
institutions a case study of Pride Microfinance Limited. The specific objectives of the study
were: To assess the contribution of cash control on financial performance of financial
institutions, to establish the contribution of cash collection on financial performance of
financial institutions and to assess the contribution of cash budgeting on financial
performance of financial institutions.
The study adopted the case study research design with quantitative and qualitative research
techniques. A total sample size of 40 respondents from Pride Microfinance was used. Self administered questionnaires were used to collect data. Data was coded and later processed
using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) computer program with the help of
data computations elements so as to generate tables showing means, percentages, standard
deviations as well as charts including bar graphs that were clearly explained. Descriptive
statistics were also generated for all the dimensions under both the dependent and
independent variable and were explained using a scale ranging from strongly disagree to
strongly agree as well as the rate at which responses were deviating from the mean figure.
The study revealed that Cash management through cash control, cash collection and cash
budgeting has an effect it plays on the financial performance in financial institution. The
institution through cash management accelerates cash inflows and delays cash outflows using
cash controls. Furthermore, the institution has cash collection systems that help to reduce the
time it takes to collect the cash that is owed to a firm and also that the institution has
established strong billing and collection practices. Additionally, the institution has cash
budgets that plan inflows and outflows of cash which helps the institution to track business
expenses and revenues throughout the business. Management often makes use of cash
budgets in determining cash surpluses or deficits, where managers invest their cash surpluses
in ventures that yield high returns such as treasury bills. They should also make use of
computerized accounting packages to help improve their efficiency in cash management.
In conclusion, cash management positively affects financial performance in financial
institutions as it leads to increased profitability, increase in sales turnover and a more stable
liquidity. Therefore financial institutions should pay attention to cash management and cash
control, cash budgeting and cash collection so as to augment their return on capital employed,
return on assets while maintain sufficient cash flows