The role of internal audit on financial management of public institutions in Uganda: a case study Busia district local government
The study examined the role of internal audit on financial management of public institutions a
case study of Busia District Local Government. It was guided by the following objectives
that’s; to examine the effect of audit planning on the financial management of public
institutions in Uganda, to examine the effect of audit control system on the financial
management of public institutions in Uganda and finally to examine the effect of audit
compliance on the financial of public institutions in Uganda.
The research methodology adopted both descriptive and analytical research design based on
semi-structured questionnaires to obtain the in-depth understanding of internal audit on
financial management. Sample size of 152 respondents was randomly selected based on easy
of access to them. The researcher used basically self-administered questionnaires as the
instrument for data collection. Data was collected from both primary with the help of
questionnaires designed using like scales and secondary data got from textbooks, internet,
journals and newspaper articles.
The study established a positive relationship between audit compliance and financial
management as being (r = 0.522, p < 0.01), audit control system and financial management
had a positive relationship of (r = 0.480, p < 0.01) and audit planning and financial
management had a significant relationship of(r = 0. 503, p <0.01). The study concluded that
there was greater variation in financial management activities of Busia District local
government due to changes in internal audit planning, professional competency and internal
audit control systems; this shows that changes in financial management of Busia District
local government could be accounted for by changes in regard to audit planning, audit control
system and audit compliance.
Therefore the study further recommended that there is need for the internal auditors to
continuously update themselves with the changing times and technologies and sharpen their
skills. By applying skills to the most critical points, building personal and professional
credibility and recognizing as well as responding to the needs, internal auditors can become
indispensable thus speeding good governance and enhancing efficiency of internal audit
within Busia District Local Government.